Course Content
Transition Gate Installation (9.0)
Installation Testing (11.0)
Installation Competency Test
Ceiling Track Installation Training
About Lesson

Some installations will require building work to be done for a successful ceiling track installation to occur. This may include electrical work such as installing spurs in suitable locations or opening up doorways for track systems to span between different rooms. During the assessment of the installation, which will have taken place previously, any building work that was required to take place by an approved electrician or builder, should have been completed prior to the day of installation, this will have been confirmed during the second assessment of the install. The list below should only be done by an approved builder or electrician and not by an install engineer who is unqualified.

• Fused (5A) Spur – This should be fitted close to the desired location of the charging dock.
• Ceiling Construction – Noggins – These must be located where track fixings are required.
• Doorway Reconstruction – Increase doorway height to the ceiling for the track system to pass.
• Wall Reconstruction – Remove the top section of a wall to allow h-system track to pass.

1.7.1 Electrical Installations

See the guidance below on electrical installations, this information is for reference only, a qualified electrician must carry out all electrical installation for the ceiling track systems.

Things to consider when Assessing for Electrics

Spur from ring main/radial circuit:

  • Connecting to the rear of an existing socket outlet,
  • By cutting into a cable using a junction box in the loft space or under a floor,
  • Directly from the consumer unit at the existing circuit breaker/fuse,

The following should be checked first;

Is the main equipotential bonding in place- gas meter/water stop tap, is the consumer unit/fuse box suitable to isolate for testing if not then the options are, is there a convenient and available socket outlet that the battery charger can be plugged into (Local Authority permitted) can the PowerPoint be provided by others? When installed in a bathroom the battery charger is IP67 and fully compliant but the fused spur must be UN-switched and outside of zones or zone compliant.

Dedicated electric supply:

We would try to avoid installing a separate circuit were possible due to the complicating factors and time scale of work involved;

Is there a spare way in the existing consumer unit/fuse box if no then a new additional unit would need to be installed, this could mean pulling the main supply fuse cutting the mains supply cables (Tails), and arranging for the electric suppliers to reseal the fuse, also to consider is the distance of cable run from the hoist location to consumer unit would this mean lifting floors, earthing arrangements if it’s a TNC-S (PME) then the main earthing conductor and bonding conductors must be 16mm2 / 10mm respectably so these would possibly need upgrading so how accessible is the gas meter and water stop tap, Also the testing has more bearing in that the electrical test cert is a five-page document instead of one page.

Mains Consumer Units

A – These types of fuse holders contain asbestos and so we wouldn’t want the engineers to handle them. It is therefore not possible to isolate the circuit and complete the necessary tests. Options – Plug in, Spur by others or recommend consumer unit replaced by others.

B – These types of fuse holders are fine for us to handle.

C – AVOID – Treat as A above.

D – Modern board with both MCB and CD protection. Bonding visible (see lat-
or collection on bonding

VIR (Rubber) cable must be avoided as the
sheath will now have become unstable. This
affects houses built pre 1970 that have not had
a rewire.

1.7.2 Doorway Reconstruction Details for Ceiling Track Systems

See the guidance below on doorway reconstruction installations, this information is for guidance only, an approved builder must carry out all building reconstructions during a ceiling track system installation.