3.4 Troubleshooting – Hoist Safety Mechanisms
Hoist does not lower while Hoist is in use
When this occurs the E-Lower Cord is to be pulled to safely lower the patient from the hoist. For details on how to use the E-Lower Cord, refer to the user manual. Once the patient has been removed from the hoist, follow the relevant troubleshooting guide procedure to service adequately.
Hoist has lost all power while in use
When this occurs the E-Lower Cord cannot be used to safely lower the patient. The next mechanism to lower the patient safely is to activate the emergency wind down mechanism. With the use of a step ladder, remove the cap from the external cover. The user is provided with a 4mm Allen key when receiving the product, use this tool to wind down the motor manually until the patient is safely removed from the hoist. For further details on the emergency wind down, refer to the user manual. Once successful, follow the relevant troubleshooting guide procedures to service adequately.
Hoist Over-Speed Cam has been activated while in use
When this occurs the E-Lower Cord and emergency wind down mechanism cannot be used to safely lower the patient. The hoist gearing mechanism has failed and therefore cannot be used to lower the patient. The Over-Speed Cam has been activated to prevent the patient from free fall.
To safely lower the patient from the hoist the emergency services should be contacted immediately. Do not attempt to lower the patient until emergency services have arrived.
Once the patient has been safely removed, the hoist should not be serviced and must be decommissioned. The hoist is beyond the point of repair and should not be reused.
Decommission the hoist following the correct decommissioning procedure. See section 6.0